Mercian Blog

Author: Alt Design

Tim`s Bench

I have been told off by more than one of the lads here and customers for not updating the blog for a while so here you go. I have been very busy over the past week or so (horrid paperwork mainly) but slowly we are getting on top of it now. This is Tim`s bench…

Nearly finished

This is a almost finished professional frame. As you can see from the picture the spear points have been welded to the shell first and then the tube will be brazed into the lug. This gives the frame strenght and stiffness around the shell. This frame was first build for our professional team we had…


This poem was sent to me by Chris our biggest Mercian fan who commissioned it from Willie Carton . He very kindly gave me permission to post it here for you all to read. I,m sure you agree with me its very good indeed. By the way check out Chris flicker site there is a…

Lime Green Flam

Just thought I would show you the new Lime Green Flamboyant . We have only just got this new paint and as you can see ( hopefully) has a very bright finish. We are sure this will become a very popular choice. This renovation is on a early Mercian track frame with Nervex lugs.

Mercian Beer ( not made by us )

I was handed this by one of our frame builders the other day and was told to try it. The name goes a long way of course but I must say it was a nice drink. Well worth keeping a eye out for in your local.

Renovation time

Its this time of year when you need to get your frame re-sprayed ready for the coming summer ( if we get one ) . Here you see a few thats been undercoated ready for the spray booth. Once finished they will look like new.

Collections and Deliverys

Because of the severe weather conditions (according to Parcel Force) our collection and deliverys are taking a little longer. There seems to be ice on the road. I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Phone line

Hi all just a quick update . We are having a few problems with the phone line. It may have something to do with the snow. The line should be fixed this evening. So please email if you can not get through. Thank you.

Rohloff tandem

David was good enough to send me these pictures amongst others of his tandem. They do own dare I say it more than one of our tandems and a few solo’s going by the garage pictures he sent me. The rear hub is a Rohloff which has now clocked up quite a few miles without…

Snow and lots of it

Snow today and it stopped me riding into work. We have not had snow like this for some time and going by the weather people its here for some time to come.


Well this book is well worth a look, I got mine through the post the other day from Waterstones and I’m very impressed. It has the Campagnolo history, from the very early years right up to the brand new 11 speed equipment. This reminded me of my trips to the Campagnolo factory. I’ve been lucky…
