The name Mercian originates from the English Kingdom of Mercia, which existed until the 10th Century, covering the region now known as The Midlands, where Derby is a principle City. The people who lived in this area where called Mercian’s.
At Mercian, we are all committed to hand building beautiful bespoke bicycles, after all we have been doing precisely that since 1946. Following the second World War Messers Crowther & Barker founded Mercian and selected the beautiful City of Derby in the heart of England to hand build bespoke bicycles. Mercian cycles have been exported all over the world, hence one of our traditional head crests states “Mercian Cycles, the world over”.
Mercian still builds lightweight steel frames and bicycles by hand, using traditional frame building methods, with one craftsman building each frame from start to finish.
Our frames are made from the finest Reynolds steel tubing and stove enamel finished to give the highest quality finish and durability. We customise your frame or bike to your individual requirements, there will not be another one quite like it.
The Mercian frame model range can built to suit your particular requirements . Mercian frames deliver a most comfortable ride due to the inherent properties of lightweight steel.

Mercian across the World
Mercian Cycles have customers as far afield as Australia, Fiji, Hawaii, Norway, Germany, Japan, Sweden, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Australia, Solomon Isles and New Zealand – to name just a few. As the head and seat crest says Mercian cycle frames can be found “The World Over”.
At Mercian we are proud of the heritage, history & traditional frame-building methods still used today.
A bespoke frame, tailored to your size, experience and usage will undoubtedly provide you with the most enjoyable experience through comfort and efficiency. We also have “off the peg” stock frames for those that cannot wait, providing we have the right size frame in stock.
You can order a Mercian frame or complete bicycle by simply paying an initial deposit to get your frame order into the build queue, then the journey begins…