I thought you might be interested in the attached photo. My wife Shirley and I were touring the Western Isles of Scotland last week on our Mercians. One evening, eating in a camp site restaurant we met a wonderful couple; John and Francis Barr who came in and sat at the table next to us. We exchanged cycling stories over dinner and they told us a little about their amazing adventures when they cycled a full circuit of Australia following their retirement. As we were all planning to jump on the same ferry the following morning, we arranged to meet and ride across Kintyre together and on arrival at the port discovered that they too were both riding Mercians. We had a great day riding together and sharing Francis' amazing shortbread and flapjacks before going our separate ways when we got to Islay. I think you may know John & Francis; they're certainly a couple that you wouldn't want to forget in a hurry. I really hope that we'll be able to hook up with them again one day in the not too distant future. You meet the nicest people on a Mercian! All the bestPaul Thank you Paul for the photo sorry its taken so long my computer has died and posted this from the work one.