Kelvin’s King of Mercia

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Dear Jane, Ray and all at Mercian,
I finally get around to sending you some photos of my built up frame.
As I hope you can see from the snaps, the frame has been built up with love and a scattering of Italian jewels!
Funnily enough, before I got the frame I was 'window shopping' outside a cycle shop in London and I got talking to policeman on his bicycle and we engaged in badinage as you do. I said I was waiting for my King of Mercia custom to be built and we wittered on about various cycles. Having parted company, the policeman then cycled up to me and exclaimed: 'Mercian; you know it has to be Campag!' How wonderful. Such a reputation!
I must say that you rightly live up to that reputation and I've only taken the Mercian out for century rides but those four hundred miles so far have been effortless and glorious. Thank you. I haven't got over the fact that I own a custom built bicycle. I genuinely feel like a King! The photo on Offa Road is in Hastings, East Sussex.

My very best regards,





Thank you Kevin for the email and pictures