Davids King of Mercia

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Please forgive the long delay in forwarding photos of my beloved
Mercian KoM.. with the transfers you supplied, now affixed to the

The new bottle of gold size you sent has worked well as can be seen in
the shots, I think they make the bicycle look really great, when you
consider it was first made in 1953 (frame number 10153) and Bill
renovated it in 1987/8.

I wonder if the photos would be OK to use in your rogue's gallery ?

Just look at the paint job!! it's beautiful ! - I used it in the UK
for many years, and here in Spain for the last ten years, so that´s
some great compliment to Mercian quality paint work and lining.

Please forgive the "Offa King Of Mercia" on the top tube, I couldn't
resist it, you will have to put it down to my eccentricity and
possibly old age, but I really like it !!!!

I hope all is well with you both ?

With my best regards,
